Queer and Muslim: A Critical Islamic Reading, 29 Feb- 1 March 2020
Feb 12, 2020
This in-depth critical reading course entitled “Queer and Muslim: A Critical Islamic Reading” will take place on the weekend of Saturday 29th Feb- Sunday 1st March. The course will be lead by Prof. wadud and will introduce an Islamic methodology of reading the Qur’an for the context in which we are living as a priority over text, to give a limited number of participants an opportunity to learn first-hand how to engage with canonical texts in Islam when they do not seem inclusive enough or applicable to our current realities.
This intensive weekend course is for people of colour only and we want to prioritise Black Muslims and Black Queer Muslims. The course costs £50 (which is heavily subsidised) and we have bursaries available, for which we will also prioritise Black Muslims and Black Queer Muslims.
This is the link to more information about the weekend course: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/queer-and-muslim-a-critical-reading-tickets-92575623181
This is the application link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScuWcNJN2oI_Bsa2JCZPZmfBZ30eYJh40rxyJzEOFUm155riQ/viewform